Welcome to Conie's Carrd!

Hi there! I’m Conie, a 21 year old self-taught artist who draws quite a bit!

Terms of Service

  • Feel free to hit me up on my socials if you would like to request a commission from me! (I am mainly active on Discord!)

  • I will only accept payments via PayPal and Ko-Fi!

  • Once the sketch has been made, payments are going to be done fully.

  • Please give out as clear of a reference or details about the drawing you’re commissioning, it helps out a lot!

  • All of the finished drawings will come with a simple background! (Feel free to modify this as you wish, though additional backgrounds and effects may result in a price increase depending on how complex it is)

  • If you have any revisions in mind, feel free to let me know about it. (Note that major changes may result in additional costs and please do it during the sketching process)

  • If you were to post my artworks on your socials, please credit me in them!

  • If I am unsure of request or if it makes me uncomfortable, I have the rights to decline it.

  • It’ll take me around a week's time to finish a drawing, although it varies depending on how busy I am at the time being.

Rules!Conie will do anything within the scope of Conie’s reasonable view of things!
(Ex: Humans, Furries, OCs, and similar things! Suggestive drawings are fine as well.)
Conie will NOT do things that I am hesitant of or that makes me uncomfortable with.
(Ex: Overly detailed drawings, Overly realistic drawings, Heavy NSFW, and stuff similar to those.)


  • Fullbody = $40

  • Halfbody = $30

  • Additional characters are going to have a 25% price discount (Up to 2 characters)

Complex poses (+$10~)
Complex backgrounds (+$15~)
Additional effects (+$5~)
Detailed clothing / Props (+$10~)
Do note that those are the base starting prices, they may increase depending on the overall complexity of the drawing
